As Hurricane Season Peaks, Gov Tech Firms Push Innovations
As of mid-August, New Orleans has enjoyed a summer free of tropical storms — good news for an area where blue tarps still cover roofs...
Is California’s Central Valley Prepared for a Mega-Flood?
(TNS) - It starts to rain, and it doesn’t stop. Day after day after day. The rivers keep rising. Mud, ash and burned logs from...
Philly COVID Vaccinations Stall, Clinics Find New Purpose
(TNS) - Under a white tent about four blocks north of Temple Hospital, a nurse checked Robert White's blood pressure, as cars and delivery trucks...
Texas Temps Likely to Hit 125 Degrees in Next 30 Years
(TNS) - Over the next 30 years, Texas and other parts of the central U.S. are at risk of being exposed to extreme heat —...
Smithers Residents Begin Recovery After Devastating Flood
(TNS) - SMITHERS — When historic flooding hit Southern West Virginia in June 2016 , Smithers Mayor Anne Cavalier worked as a contractor with the...
Will This Save Charleston, S.C., From Rising Seas?
(TNS) - In Charleston, a place where street lines blur with sunny day tidal flooding and major storms dump enough water on downtown that one...
What to Know About Flame-Retardant Clothing Options
(TNS) - It’s important to have an emergency “go bag” packed with essentials and ready to be grabbed quickly if you have to flee your...
Monkeypox Vaccine Is in High Demand in Connecticut
(TNS) - There's a waiting list of 250 people hoping to soon receive a monkeypox vaccine at Connecticut's Anchor Health.The small network of LGBTQ clinics...
Polio Virus Found in NYC’s Wastewater, Likely Circulating
(TNS) - The polio virus has been found in New York City's wastewater in another sign that the disease, which hadn't been seen in the...
Women, Girls Recruited for Emergency Management Program
A host of girls and young women were introduced to the field of emergency management last week when the Institute for Diversity and Inclusion in...