Modern life is stressful. Many are coping with the increased stress and are still successful in life. Between nature, the global scene and local dangerous individuals, your surroundings can become unstable. You need to go incognito. This is what the Gray Man Theory is about.

Unfortunately, those who cannot cope can become unstable and desperate. Others have developed mental disorders and have become dangerous individuals.
When the situation around you becomes unstable, there are certain skills you can learn to help you to increase your chances of survival. In this post we will discuss the Gray Man theory.
What Is The Gray Man Theory?
What kind of person are you? The kind that loves to stand out or the kind that can easily disappear in a crowd?

The key to the Gray Man (or Princess) theory is being able to blend with the crowd before or during an emergency. Simply put, becoming the Gray Man is to blend into your surroundings, into society, without attracting notice or attention.
A Gray Man can move amongst crowds and city streets without being noticed and easily overlooked.
When disaster strikes and you are in the city and away from home, you can increase your chances of survival by becoming the Gray Man.
Your goal is to blend in with the crowd, avoid confrontation and avoid becoming a target by dangerous individuals.
Blending In

Consider where you are. How do people generally dress? Suits? Business casual? A mix? If the standard wear in an area is simple, flip-flops, shorts and roughly woven shirts, you should not dress in cowboy boots, jeans and a button down shirt.
Stick to neutral colors and avoid bright colors. When the situation is becoming unstable, it’s time to set aside your personal preference and adapt for survival.

Blending in includes acting like the crowd. If you get caught in a flash mob or riot, don’t move against the crowd to get out.
Move with the crowd, but in an angle until you get to safety. If necessary, chant along, act angry and gesture like the crowd does. Your goal is to get out without being noticed.
Avoid Confrontation

If the situation is getting tense, avoid making eye contact with anyone. This only increases the chances of them confronting you, and even if they don’t, at the very least they will remember you.
This might also mean that if you see someone being abused, you might need to stay away. This is a decision you will need to make ahead of time if possible. If your goal is to survive and you have others who are depending on your safe return, you want to avoid getting hurt or killed.

During a crisis, act like everyone else. Share their same concerns over such things as supplies and power outages. Act as if you’re in the same situation, but don’t let them know if your preps back home.
When you’re out, keep track of everyone around you. Try to avoid letting people get behind you and really avoid allowing them to be close behind you. Don’t cross a street, alley, or other open space without first checking to see if anyone is hiding in there.
Practice Now
The situation around you can become unstable very quickly. The sad reality is that in an SHTF situation, civil unrest can happen at any time and can be triggered by reaction to court decisions, terrorism, national disasters, financial collapse, and political issues. Going “gray” means paying attention to your dress and actions. Develop your art now and make it a lifestyle.
For more information, check out my post about Situational Awareness & How to Develop It.
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